CD Projekt ha bisogno di ulteriori fondi per Cyberpunk 2077
Secondo un report proveniente dalla Polonia, CD Projekt ha richiesto ulteriori fondi per lo sviluppo di Cyberpunk 2077.
In particolare, sarebbe questa la lista delle funzionalità addotta per convincere i finanziatori a dare il proprio contributo:
- “City Creation – comprehensive technology for the creation of “live”; playable in real time, the city’s large-scale, which is based on the principles of artificial intelligence and automation, and takes into account the development of innovative processes and tools to support the creation of high-quality games with open world”
- “Animation Excellence – comprehensive technology enables a significant increase in the quality and productivity of complex animations face and body for games RPG with open world, also taking into account the innovative process solutions and a unique set of dedicated tools.”
- “Cinematic Feel – comprehensive technology for providing a unique, film-quality RPG with open world, also taking into account the innovative process solutions and unique set of dedicated tools”
- “The generic support cross-platform multiplayer video games for popular consoles and operating systems”
L’uscita del gioco di ruolo sci-fi è previsto per il 2018.
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