
Dishonored 2: la patch 1.3 arriva su Steam

La patch 1.3 è ora disponibile su Steam per Dishonored 2.

L’aggiornamento è scaricabile in beta ed include, tra l’altro, ottimizzazioni per gli utenti che usano mouse e un’opzione per disabilitare il motion blur.

Questo il changelog completo:


  • Added a setting to turn OFF Camera Motion Blur
  • Fixed a bug which caused some textures to be missing when Texture Quality was set above Medium for some GPUs
  • Fixed a bug where the game sometimes launched in the previously saved resolution in the top left corner of the screen
  • Fixed a bug where “Adaptive Resolution” was incorrectly set to “Manual”
  • Fixed a bug where changing the Screen Resolution, Monitor, Windowed Mode or Triple Buffering did not properly revert after selecting “No”
  • Fixed a bug where the player was incorrectly asked to confirm changes when no changes were made
  • Fixed a bug where V-Sync settings did not match the monitor refresh rate when higher than 60hz
  • Fixed a bug where pressing “No” in the confirmation prompt when changing Triple Buffering setting sometimes made the prompt appear again

Display / Monitor

  • Fixed a bug with multiple monitors which caused the game to not display on the primary monitor by default
  • Fixed a bug which caused some UI elements to be misplaced when using 5:4 or 4:3 aspect ratios
  • Fixed a bug which caused the game window to appear off screen when resolution was set below the native resolution for 1440P and 2160P monitors.
  • Fixed a bug which caused incorrect Resolution Scale FPS Target when changing V-Sync mode
  • Set default value for Resolution Scaling Quality to “Quality”

Rendering / Performance

  • Fixed a rendering bug affecting the lighting on some NPCs which sometimes caused a red glow
  • FPS limiter set to 60 FPS by default
  • Adjusted Shadow Quality settings – “High” setting and below have a more significant visual and performance adjustment
  • Reduced performance impact of transparent surfaces & VFX


  • Fixed a bug impacting mouse movement speed

Known Issues

  • Switching off the V-Sync a second time sets the FPS Limiter to 30 instead of 60 by default
  • Changing the settings from TXAA to FXAA and not applying the change sets the TXAA Sharpness to 1 instead of its previous value
  • Disconnecting and reconnecting a controller during gameplay may cause the controls to become locked
    —–>Alt-tabbing or pressing the Xbox button on the controller should return controls
  • The game crashes to desktop when loading into gameplay on a Phenom II processor
    —–>Phenom II processors are currently not supported
  • Adaptive Resolution can get stuck at -1 when restoring video settings
    —–>Changing the V-Sync option will allow the Adaptive Resolution slider to move again

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