Nell’ultimo numero della rivista nipponica Famitsu è possibile dare un’occhiata ai titoli più attesi dall’utenza locale.
Tra questi dominano Dragon Quest XI per PS4 e Nintendo 3DS, ma tornano in auge anche Final Fantasy 7 Remake, probabilmente sulle ali dell’entusiasmo dopo l’ultimo trailer di Kingdom Hearts III (anche lui in top ten), e Splatoon 2.
[PS4] Dragon Quest XI – 986 voti
[3DS] Dragon Quest 11 – 888 voti
[PS4] Final Fantasy 7 Remake – 586 voti
[NSW] Splatoon 2 – 445 voti
[PS4] Monster Hunter World – 384 voti
[NSW] Super Mario Odyssey – 357 voti
[PS4] Kingdom Hearts III – 350 voti
[PS4] Everbody’s Golf – 332 voti
[3DS] The Snack World – 295 voti
[PS4] The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel III – 281 voti
[3DS] Layton’s Mystery Journey – 230 voti
[NSW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – 198 voti
[3DS] Etrian Mystery Dungeon – 186 voti
[3DS] The Great Ace Attorney 2 – 173 voti
[3DS] Pokemon Ultrasole e Ultraluna – 169 voti
[3DS] Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux – 166 voti
[PS4] Dynasty Warriors 9 – 159 voti
[PSV] Shin Yomawari – 151 voti
[PS4] Ace Combat 7 – 141 voti
[PS4] Gran Turismo Sport – 133 voti
[NSW] Fire Emblem Warriors – 131 voti
[3DS] Fire Emblem Warriors – 128 voti
[PSV] Romancing SaGa 3 – 122 votes
[NSW] Dragon Quest 11 – 114 voti
[PS4] Nights of Azure 2 – 104 voti
[NSW] Monster Hunter XX – 90 voti
[PSP] Ushiro – 89 voti
[3DS] Metroid Samus Returns – 86 voti
[PSV] Nights of Azure 2 – 80 voti
[PS4] Disaster Report 4 Plus Summer Memories – 77 voti
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