Dopo aver ottenuto l’ambito riconoscimento come “gioco dell’anno” al Drago D’Oro (gli Oscar italiani dei videogame), The Witcher 3 è stato confermato il videogioco più amato del 2015, vincendo diversi premi agli SXSW Gaming Awards 2016, tra cui anche il “Video Game of the Year”.
Vediamo qui di seguito tutti i vincitori:
- Video Game of the Year: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Mobile Game of the Year: Her Story
- Table Top Game of the Year: Pandemic Legacy
- Excellence in Gameplay: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Excellence in Art: Bloodborne
- Excellence in Animation: Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Excellence in Technical Achievement: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Excellence in Visual Achievement: The Order: 1886
- Excellence in Narrative: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Excellence in Design: Bloodborne
- Excellence in SFX: Star Wars Battlefront
- Excellence in Musical Score: Ori and the Blind Forest
- Excellence in Multiplayer: Rocket League
- Excellence in Convergence: Batman: Arkham Knight
- Most Enduring Character: Lara Croft, Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Most Valuable Esports Team: Evil Geniuses
- Most Entertaining Online Personality: Greg Miller
- Most Promising New Intellectual Property: Splatoon
- Most Fulfilling Crowdfunded Game: Undertale
- Matthew Crump Cultural Innovation Award: Undertale
- Gamer’s Voice Award in Singleplayer: Superhot
- Gamer’s Voice Award in Multiplayer: Gang Beasts
Fonte: Dualshockers