
Titanfall 2 si aggiorna su PC

Respawn Entertainment ha pubblicato una nuova patch per Titanfall 2 in versione PC.

Il più grande ritocco apportato in questo aggiornamento è l’adaptive resolution scaling, grazie al quale è possibile ridurre dinamicamente la risoluzione per favorire la fluidità del frame rate.

Questo il changelog:

  • Stability and GPU performance improvements
  • Titan weakspot highlighting respects colorblind settings
  • Reduced stuttering and playback issues with voice chat
  • Improved speed of allocating Private Match dedicated servers
  • Adjusted Recommended settings for lower end GPUs
  • Reduced hitching when changing between no antialiasing and TSAA
  • Increased performance of streaming textures, reducing stalls and hitches
  • Archer and Thunderbolt now go to Aim-Down-Sights when wallhanging (oops!)
  • Better Network chatroom moderation tools
  • Fixed various grapple gameplay issues
  • Fixed Kraber shots going through Bubble Shield
  • Fixed certain combinations of weapon mods and menu selection resulting in no weapon model showing in customization menus
  • Fixed spawning halfway underground after playing third person animations in Kill Replay
  • Fixed tracker lock-on HUD elements not reliably showing up during Kill Replay
  • Fixed Titan executions not triggering reliably
  • Fixed mantling up stairs
  • Fixed incorrect aspect ratio when switching from fullscreen 1920×1080 to windowed 1600×900
  • Fixed some rare hardlocks and crashes
  • Fixed subtitles being stretched in 21:9 ratios
  • Fixed race condition when accepting Origin game invite with application closed
  • Fixed some display issues in Networks lobbies
  • Fixed disappearing grapple rope with TSAA enabled
  • Fixed NVIDIA Surround crash

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