
Un aggiornamento per i membri Preview di Xbox One

Microsoft ha pubblicato un nuovo aggiornamento del sistema operativo di Xbox One per i membri del programma Preview.

Questo il contenuto dell’update, come da changelog ufficiale:


OS version released: rs1_xbox_rel_1610.161017-1900 Available: 6:00PM PDT 10/20 (1:00AM GMT 21/10)


• Pins Recently added pins should now correctly display on Home.


• When viewing the Chat section of the Club menu, the “Get the conversation started” tile should now respond when selected.

• The Looking for Group tab should no longer show duplicate results in Game Hub and Clubs.



• You may encounter a “Something went wrong” or “That didn’t work” error when attempting to access invitation requests or recommendations.

• When attempting to set an image as a Club background, recently created Clubs may fail to display under “Choose a Club”.



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