
Watch Dogs 2: la nuova patch per PC migliora il supporto al Crossfire di AMD

Ubisoft ha pubblicato una nuova patch per Watch Dogs 2 in versione PC, una delle pochissime dalla sua uscita piuttosto stabile – almeno rispetto ai canoni cui eravamo stati abituati dal primo capitolo.

In particolare, l’aggiornamento migliora la compatibilità con l’uso di due schede AMD in Crossfire, le performance online e corregge i glitch riscontrati nel single-player.

Questo il changelog completo offerto dallo sviluppatore:

  • Improved stability on AMD Crossfire systems – This patch fixes instability on Crossfire systems (AMD dual GPU systems).
  • Fixed Donut NPCs Glitch – After downloading this patch, PC players will no longer see hilarious hordes of Donut people roaming the streets. Only a regular number of Donut people should now be seen on the streets.
  • This patch also has the same fixes as the latest console patch:
  • Online Performance
  • [Online & Multiplayer] Seamless Online – Players should now experience improved reliability of seamless online and matchmaking through the Multiplayer App.
  • [Multiplayer] Activity Frequency – This patch fixes the issue of the cooldown resetting after a player dies while being the target of a hack during Online Invasions. Players should now experience regular cooldown times and a normal frequency of getting hacked during their gameplay.
  • [Online Invasions] Target Detecting Hackers through walls using NetHack – Some players reported being able to detect Hackers through walls using NetHack during Online Invasions. This bug is fixed in this patch.

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